Journal 1

Principals’ Technology Leadership, How a Conceptual Framework Shaped a Mixed Methods Study is a piece written by Barbara Brown and Michele Jacobsen. Their study was conducted over a one year span in three different school jurisdictions in a Canadian province. Through the research they discovered that instructors needed more insight into three topics, learning sciences, pedagogies based on knowledge building, and growth oriented leadership. Their topic is that the industrialized models of schooling from the past are not designed to meet the needs of the learners today in the technological age. The research question is, of the three different ways that are being taught across the three schools jurisdictions, is one more beneficial in educating the children from the digital era? The type of data they will need to collect would be quantitative and in-depth interviews as well as expert opinions. The authors used online surveys to get masses of information and they went in and interviewed the principals of the schools for expert opinions. Personally I think this research is credible and well executed. They seem to have gone through all of the obstacles and conducted very through research. I think the online surveys would be a good way to get mass information and might interest classmates who need that type of surveys conducted.

Brown, Barbara, and Michele Jacopbsen. “Principals’ of Technology Leadership, How a Conceptual Framework Shaped a Mixed Methods Study.” Improving School Leadership, 2009.