This semester, you will be turning in almost all of your written work on Moodle. Each assignment will have a drop box, which will open a few days before the assignment is due and close at the deadline for submissions.
You may submit your work in either Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format ONLY! Otherwise, I an not able to read it.
Electronic submissions save paper, which is good both for the environment and for your budget. They also let me type comments. As my handwriting is notoriously awful, this makes your life easier, too.
As a result, we will be using the Moodle Gradebook. It does most of what I want a gradebook to do, though not quite everything. We’ll cope.
If you are not using the Chrome browser, you can sign into Moodle HERE. If you are using Chrome, then I suggest that you sign in through MyRedlands .